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21 Jun

5 Tips on how to get out of debt and into your own home


Posted by: Livian Smith

5 Tips on how to get out of debt and into your own home

5 Tips on how to get out of debt and into your own home. To get out of debt, you need a plan, and you need to execute that plan. That’s why I’ve created this simple, five-step, get-out-of-debt checklist that can help you leave that financial burden behind you.

As you work on your plan, you’ll need to make all necessary adjustments to your budget along the way so you don’t overspend and slide back into debt. Plus, if you don’t have an emergency fund, consider setting some money aside in savings beforehand.

Keep this checklist someplace where you’ll see it often (like your refrigerator door), and make it your goal to check a task off the list each day (or each week), depending on how quickly you want to become debt-free.