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23 Mar

Spring Into Action: Refinance Your Mortgage With the Help of a Mortgage Broker


Posted by: Livian Smith


Spring Into Action: Refinance Your Mortgage With the Help of a Mortgage Broker

Spring Into Action: Refinance Your Mortgage With the Help of a Mortgage BrokerWe sprung forward last earlier this month by changing our clocks one hour ahead. For some, their microwave and oven clocks are once again displaying the correct time since the last time we needed to adjust our clocks (in the Fall). Patience is a virtue – except for when it comes time to refinance a mortgage!

The Spring is a busy time for mortgage brokers across the country. We welcome this change in season knowing that we are in the best position to give families mortgages that make sense for them.

This is the time of year that banks begin to send out their mortgage renewal notices. Some people will simply sign the documentation sent over from their bank and take on a new mortgage at the rate the bank has suggested. However, this may not be the best rate for which you and your family can qualify.

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